About Me

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I am a proud mother of my 2 beautiful daughters and a loving wife to my wonderful husband. A great friend to everybody and a bad enemy to those who'll try me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I don't know?

I am having hard time to decide which ticket that we're getting. We have two different agent and give us good prices. We want to choose the cheapest one but we will be transfering from plane to another. Wow, so hard but my husband told me that whatever I want to choose because they're all get to Philippines. hehehe. It is very exciting.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


It's Thursday, and I supposed to have a day off today but I'm not. I will be working today from2pm til 10 pm tonight. It will be 8 hour straight again as usual. I enjoy going to work because I will meet many people and seems that I have break also from my kids. This way I can have time for my self and at the same time earning some $$.
Being a full time mom and working full time at the same is very tough but very exciting everyday. I know how hard to stay home all the time watching our kids fighting each other. Sometime we wish to have a day off from our kids and I am so lucky that I have that everyday. I love being with my kids all the time but we just need to have a break sometimes. It is always exciting for me to get home everyday from work because I will see my family again and likewise, it is very exciting for me to go back to work and meeting new people. I love what I am doing and I know my kids will be so proud of me when they grow up because I am so proud of my self and my achievements in life. I can tell them a lot of stories that I have experienced while they are little. I am so blessed with everything. God is great!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thanks to all my friends

After posting this message, I got many phone calls and messages from my concerned friends. They were the one who were affected to what this Person did to me. But I will never be affected to what she might say or talk about me because I know myself more than anybody. My friends were just so concerned of what I feel after this messages beacuse they know me better than this evil woman. Now, I know that there are so many people that love me and supporting me all the way. Thank you so much to all of you. Thank you for making the effort to comfort me but I am very okay and not affected through all this alligation because I know who I am and I don't need to make more explanation. I know that all my friends knows what's the truth and who is the real person that this woman were talking about. She was just describing her self to the public and using me as if that person. hehehehe, funny.

Now, we are planning to visit the Church of Pastor Jordan and meet him personally. I think that will be a good idea.

Again, thank you so much to all my friends here in the US and Philippines.

God bless to everybody.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Great night sleep

I had a great night sleep last night. I went to bed at 11 pm and awoke at 8 am. I had 10 hours of sleep but in the middle of that hours, I woke up maybe twice to feed my baby. It still a good hours sleep because I usually have 4-5 hours of sleep every night. I am glad Ally went back to sleep right away so she did not have a chance to wake up Dimple. She must be so tired because we were playing outside yesterday whole afternoon, she rode her bikes and running around. We had a chance to play yesterday because I had a day off from work. It's always fun to spend time with your kids.
Today, I have to go back to work again, 4 days straight and i will be having another day off on Tuesday. I am so excited for that day because I will see my friend Geny.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A call for a friend

It was a long today for me and my kids were sleeping. I was holding my phone and it seems like something is missing to me. It was my best friend Geny. This is our story. Almost two years ago we had conflict and very personal arguments. Me and Geny were friends since our teenage lives, we hang out together in the Philippines, we worked at the same company, we worked at the hours and she even slept at our house most of the time. She is like a sister to me. By luck, we both married an American guy and live at the same state and the same City. When I got here in the US, we continued the friendship that we started when were in the Philippines. Until one day, we had conflict and arguments. We both had high pride so it last almost two years that we didn't have communication and the saddest thing was, our kids are growing without knowing each other. It was so sad to think especially we lived in the same City also in the Philippines, our parents known each other.

Ally accidentally dialed her number three times already since I did not delete it in my phonebook but I had to cut it. So, this morning I was really sad and I do really miss her. I decided to give her a call and she answered it. We talked and we cried because we know in spite of all the bad words we exchanged each other before, deep in our hearts we know that we still love each other. She felt bad that she wasn't there all through my pregnancy with dimple. I told her that it was okay because I have a newly found sisters ( all PPM members) and they were always there for me. Cecille were there every doctor's visit I had and Cristina, Charyn and Marie, they were the one who watched Alyssa while I was in labor. They are all great friends and I feel so blessed I met them.
We had talk for almost 2 hours and so many things happened between us and our families for two years that we didn’t have contacts. I am so happy now that we talk each other again and I hope she learned her lessons coz I do learned my lesson now.

When my Mom met my Dad

My mom went to visit her cousin from her mother's side and it was a co-incidence that my dad is a cousin of her cousin with her cousin's dad side. My dad felt in love to my mom at first time he saw her. My dad went to their both cousin's house to visit my mom. He told her he loves her but my mom wasn't sure because she wanted to finish her college first. My dad was hard headed and didn't listen to what my mom said. One day, my mom left the place and went back home which is 3 hours away by bus. She didn't tell my dad that she was leaving that day because she didn't like my dad that time. She went to a bus station and waiting for the bus to leave while suddenly my dad showed up. She was very angry to my dad and she didn't know how dad knew that she was leaving. My mom felt so scared because her parents were so strict and did not want my dad to go with her. My mom told my dad to leave and got out from the bus but my dad was very tricky, he told my mom that he would go with her when she will not say she love's him too. It was very funny because dad knew that my mom's parents will not let her having boyfriend that time so my dad knew that mom didn't want my dad to go with her. Therefore, my mom, said yes to my dad just to leave her alone and after saying it, my dad left and told my mom that he will come to her place to visit her. My mom had a big relief when my dad got out from the bus and went home. My mom thought that, that was the last day seeing my dad. Two weeks after my mom's parents woke my mom up and told her she had visitors, it was my dad with his parents. My mom was so mad because my dad told my mom's parents that he is going to marry my mom. My mom told her parents that,
I didn't know anything about what he said. He is not my boyfriend.
My dad really pursued his intentions to marry my mom until my mom just agreed on it. September 23, they got married. A year after my big brother was born. My mom and dad lived with my dad's parents and it was so hard for my mom. My dad's family treated my mom as their slave, my mom washed their clothes, cooked their food and cleaned their house. A year after my mom got pregnant again for their second child, but when the baby born, the baby past away. It was so hard for them especially for my dad watching my mom suffered. They decided to build their own house, it wasn't a nice house, they just wanted to be separated from my dad's family. Then I was born and 3 more siblings was born. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My dad works at NFA (National Food Authority). My dad works hard for us to have good future. He wanted us to finished college because that is the only wealth they could give us since we are not rich. Thankfully we both finished college except our other brother.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My day at work

It's been a long day today from my work. I started at 2 pm and went home at 9:30 pm. Actually, it wasn't so bad because usually I go home at almost 12 mid-night. I had an easy day today at work because I was working with a female co-worker. I didn't say that our male co-worker are bad, it was just different working with women. We supposed to leave from work at 10 pm but we left half hour early because we were done with everything. It is very boring to stay at work with nothing to do. I'd rather go home early and have some rest or spend my extra time to my family.
Tomorrow will be my day off from work, so I am hoping that I could get some more sleep tonight and some rest tomorrow.